Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What's more harmful? Smoking or Drinking?

For an m-learning assignment, interactive students were asked:
Which do you think is more harmful to your health, drinking or smoking?

The majority of students believed that smoking was more harmful.

Rossa - Par Class
I think smoking is worse than drinking, more harmful to our health. Of course drinking is bad for our health too, but drinking have treatment. But, when we smoke, we don't have any treatment to get clean, healthy lungs. Also there is no way to prevent cancer.
In conclusion, I think smoking is worse than drinking because we don't have any treatment for cancer from smoking.

Tony - Birdie Class
I think smoking is more harmful than drinking. Because, first, alcohol can be detoxified, but nicotine goes straight into our lungs and destroys it. Also, in case of the destruction of liver, you can get a transplant from other people, but, we don't have enough skills to transplant new lungs instead of destroyed lungs. As a result, I think that smoking is more harmful than drinking.

Amy - Birdie Class
I think smoking is more harmful to my health than drinking. First, if I drank a lot and vomit it's ok, but smoking isn't. Second, young people like me smoking is approximately 20 times more harmful than adults smoking. Also, these days, elementary school kids drink but their parents don't care which means its not that harmful. Last, smoking can be addicted easily and very difficult to stop. On the other hand, drinking is not that much addictive, especially for kids like me.

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